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July 15, 2010



Beautiful, Sue. Hope you are well my long lost friend.


Hello Susan,
While searching the internet for a pic the may in the slightest, resmeble my dog Lochie, i came across a pic that sent me to your photo blog. well funny funny world we live in as not only do you have a pic of a dog that best describes the breeds that my dog is supposed to be, but the dog in your photo just happens to be with a cat. You guessed it. Lochie's best mate is our cat Bluey. Lochie was adopted from an animal shelter. Ridgeback x Wire Hair Jack Rusell they said. He is the best dog ever and i've never seen another like him at all. Until now.
Thank you.

Ps - i would love to post a pic of my lil guy to your facebook wall so you can see what he looks like.

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